For the Athlete,Team or Coach looking to achieve the next level of UNLIMITED Game time Performance!


Do you underperform in competition as a result of feeling anxious or stressed? Do you over think every move or lack motivation? If so, SportStar Performer can teach you how to PERFORM at your best. If you can’t improve your performance in practice and competition on a consistent basis, Mind Performance Training is the ANSWER!!!.

Learn how to overcome your thoughts an feelings that keep you from performing at your best and are limiting your performance to your current “PLAY BOX.” Being able to become aware of your current thoughts and feelings is the first step to achieving great results!

Your mind is the most powerful tool you have, what separates average to great athletes is not just the talent and hard work as so many of us have been told, its the combination of Mind Performance Training which is then works along side with your physical training and your “Belief system” related to your sport. Upgrade your game and enhance your Mental performance with our One-on-One coaching or our self paced programs to achieve GREATER SPORTING RESULTS.

Make the Shift, Get Results.

Each individual’s situation is different; therefore a minimum of 6 sessions are recommended depending on the athletes circumstance.


Team unity and co-operation is a key driver towards Championship Success. As each individual athlete is performing from a higher state of belief and co-operation, will result in amplifying the chemistry and energy within the locker room leading to coherent synergy of greater success.

SportStar Performer offers the SportStar Performer Formula, by providing knowledge and understanding on how to boost belief, awareness, self regulation to enhance teams with Mind Performance Conditioning. We will access deeper parts within the mind and learn how to create new Beliefs, Perceptions leading to new “Behaviours”. resulting in greater Game Time Performance as one.

As part of the team process each athlete will go through an individual assessment. This will discover the overall team ENERGY and group SYNERGY that will lead us to discover the necessary required  changes with our formula by connecting the athletes on the same brain wave length. Being on the same wave length as a “CHAMPIONSHIP” team is our goal by empowering the hearts and minds of the athletes, resulting in greater performance and belief within the locker room.


The most successful coaches are the ones who can effectively communicate and connect in the most Inspirational way with their players. This inner connection among top coaches is so deep that it inspires and motivates their athletes to the highest levels of performance within their game.

There is a technique to doing this, the steps in coaching staff, is to educate them on the why and the what resulting in making the how easier to apply to their coaching leading to tapping in and elevating athletes to peak performance ability. Offered is the formula and application to attain and produce the highest levels of awareness possible throughout their daily coaching practice in developing the new self which will lead to a new set of “unlimited possibilties”

Take your Coaching to the next Level

A Global Sports Coaching System

The Sportstar Performer program has helped athletes achieve maximum performance in sports globally.